writing and storytelling

writing and storytelling Writing has always been my passion, an art form that allows me to express myself and share my thoughts with the world. I carry a journal with me wherever I go, ready to seize any moment of inspiration that strikes. Whether I’m waiting in...

some new tools

some new tools Written by Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed arcu massa, dapibus sit amet elit auctor, pharetra pharetra metus. Aliquam dolor odio, faucibus id volutpat a, ornare id diam. Nulla tempus porttitor mi id vehicula. Curabitur at...

Testing 1 2 3

building a website from scratch... “Well, now that we have seen each other, said the Unicorn, “if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you. Is that a bargain?” And this is where the next text will go regarding the current website...

Embrace AI

AI is only as good as the prompt. One of the first lessons you’ll learn when working with AI.

A Home For Ace

Every morning an hour before sunrise, Ace turns off his alarm and makes a pot of coffee. He washes from a pail of rainwater he has collected. He holds a shirt up to his nose and inhales deeply. “It’s clean,” he says with a bright smile. Ace runs down a path to catch a...